
Mission Statement

To promote and disseminate information on kidney health through education, training and advocacy and to seek the interest of all who suffer from kidney disease in Ghana and beyond.

Vision Statement

To be organized as the professional body championing the cause of kidney health for all the citizenry of Ghana and beyund through education, training and advocacy.

Our Values

Education - We promote, advance and disseminate knowledge of kidney diseases among the general public. View More

Our Values

Our organization pursues several goals that can be identified as our mission. Learn more about them below.

Patient care

We put the care of people with kidney disease as our core objective


We promote, advance and disseminate knowledge of kidney diseases for all nephrologists and health workers at all levels of care to apply in their daily practice


We foster friendship and co-operation among all workers nationally and internationally in the interest of all who are afflicted by kidney diseases


We are devoted to locally and internationally relevant research works geared towards improving the lives of all kidney disease patients

About GKA

The Ghana Kidney Association (GKA) is an organization that was formed in 2011 under the able leadership of Dr. Dwomoa Adu, the first president. The GKA’s core mandate is to advance the cause of kidney disease nationally. Our stated objectives are as follows:
  1. To promote, advance and disseminate knowledge of kidney structure and function
  2. To promote the prevention and treatment of kidney disorders
  3. To seek means for the enactment of enabling government legislation to the benefit of nephrology in Ghana
  4. To encourage all workers in this discipline and to foster friendship and cooperation among them both nationally and internationally
  5. To seek the interest of all who suffer from kidney disease in Ghana
Membership consists of healthcare and non-healthcare persons, including patients. Furtherance to this, the GKA actively encourages patient advocacy and has as a core mandate patient wellbeing, particularly patients afflicted with kidney diseases of varying types.

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Our Kidney Stories

Hear from people who are living with kidney disease, raising money for research and helping us to raise awareness that this disease must be stopped.

Our Research

Read how our research and policy work helps to continue life-saving work and can change the future for people with kidney disease.

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Help us fund vital research

There are lots of ways that you can support research; by leaving a gift in your Will with our free Will writing service or signing up for one of our fundraising events. However you choose to show your support, you will be helping to fund vital research and helping to transform treatments for people living with kidney disease.


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